we introduce ourselves
We, the staff members of our dental practice, are pleased to treat and advise you in a highly qualified manner.
Dr. Jörg Vogeler
specialist area: periodontology
Curriculum Vitae
1984 Abitur in Essen
1986 to 1994 studies at the university of Düsseldorf
1994 to 2000
employment as a dentist in Bochum, Bremen and London
Oct. 2000
doctorate at the Dusseldorf Institute of History of Medicine about early health funds
since october 2000
working as a practice principal in Langwedel
member of the following societies and organisations:
- dgp (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Parodontologie - German Society of Periodontistry)
- DGZMK (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde)
- DGZH (Deutsche Gesellschaft für zahnärztliche Hypnose - German Society of dental Hypnosis)
- MDZ (Medizinischer Beratungsdienst der Zahnärzte - unabhängigie Patientenberatung)
- Zahnärzte ohne Grenzen
(dentists without limits foundation)
- VdS (Vereinigung der Selbständigen Langwedel - federation of self-employed in Langwedel)
the practice team
Christine Rother |
Désirée Hegels |
Antje Hakelberg |
is responsible for practice administration, accounting and quality management. She is member of our team since 2003. | is apprentice in her 3rd year. She is engaged in treatment assistance and management of instruments. | completed a 6-month qualification as a prophylaxis assistant and is performing professional dental cleanings and preventive treatments. She is member of our team since 2000. |